Dr. Busch

Dr. Busch

Monday, December 13, 2010

Weight Loss, Health Gain Revolution...

What is the most made and most often broken resolution every year? That’s right weight loss. When I first started teaching at CSU-Pueblo many years ago, the state of Colorado had lost the “Healthiest State of the Union” title and it was mostly for one county. That’s right Pueblo County and it was for the Obesity and Diabetes out of control. We regained the title, but I think it’s mostly because the rest of the country got even worse. We are going to start a revolution to take back the negative reputation of this great place we live. We get the butt-end of most jokes and I need you to help this come to a close. Starting January 11th on Tuesday nights at 6 pm, we are starting a weight loss & health gain revolution. This is NOT one of this give up the one thing you love for short-term gains, this is using proven techniques and guidelines that even the most unfocused person can see great changes in their health. This is a free seminar that will happen monthly with smaller groups meeting more frequently for encouragement so we can take control of the one thing that eludes us, seeing that 6-pack in our mid-section. You can reserve your seat by calling the clinic’s main #544-7744 or e-mail frontdesk@cmclinic.net. It is worth it to you and your loved ones for you and friend to be there!

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