There are thousands of people in our area that suffer from TMJ or Templar Mandibular Joint problems or for the rest of us, Jaw Pain. This is a condition that we see quite frequently in our clinic and it is a condition that if you take the time to find and treat the cause instead of the effects, you can lick this fairly easily.
Taking the medical or dental route is not a cheap way of treating this condition as it either taking endless prescriptions of medication for inflammation, muscle relaxers, then lead to braces on the jaw or the teeth to the point of having teeth shaved or capped to accommodate the dysfunction in the jaw joint. I even had the experience a few years ago, where a person dear to my family had had jaw problems for years and not before I graduated from chiropractic college, had gone and had paid close to four thousand dollars to have the teeth on one side shaved lower. We began to work on correcting the cause of the problem and ran into the obstacle of having one side of the teeth not being at a proper height and it wasn't until after we corrected the TMJ problems that relief was achieved. Of course they went back and paid the same orthodontist a couple thousands to now put caps on the side he had previously shaved and at least the problem was behind us. Thousands of dollars on attempting to treat the effects and the proper care was minimal in comparison to the wasted work done in the dental chair.
There is a meniscus or like a fluid filled sac the jaw joint connects to the skull through and when one side of these attachments starts to act incorrectly the other side is negatively affected as well. Then there are two muscles called the 'Pteragoid muscles' that assist in the opening of the jaw and attach back to the spine. These are all affected by other subluxation complexes including that coming from the upper cervical spine.
Now why is this important? Well situated just under the TMJoint is the trigeminal nerve, which is really a nerve grouping, which supplies sensation and motor function to each side of the face. It is from this wonderful nerve that we get conditions like Bells Palsy (which is half of the face muscle loose strength) and Tic Del la Rue (which is like a stabbing hot poker into the face). So it is crucial that we work to improve the function of the TMJ instead of treating the effects, as we all want to live life to the fullest. Chiropractic treatment is by far the best approach to treating this type of condition. If you have any questions or comments, as always you can post them on this blog or e-mail at
Until next time...
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