Dr. Busch

Dr. Busch

Monday, December 13, 2010

Free PI Special Report

Here’s The FREE REPORT You Requested!…
“Discover What Most Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know About Hidden Car Accident Injuries And How To Protect Your Rights Before It’s Too Late!”

In This Insider’s Report We Will Reveal:
How Hidden Car Accident Injuries Can Cause Arthritis.
How Even Minor Injuries Should Get Evaluated.
Why Prescribed Pain Relief Medication May Make Your Condition Worse!
The Importance Of Documenting Your Injuries Immediately So That You Get The Settlement You May Deserve!

WARNING: Hidden injuries are sneaky, potentially debilitating, and will strike millions of Americans this year…and due to ignorance and/or inappropriate care, many car accident victims will suffer for the rest of their lives! That’s the bad news. The good news is that there is help available to you that ensures that the insurance companies know what you’ve been going through and your rights are protected. So keep reading the report to find out the well-hidden truth you won’t find anywhere else!

Dear Accident Victim,

Reading this free report may be the most important thing you've done all year. Why? Because finally someone is revealing the shocking truth about car accident injuries many insurance companies don't want you to know. The information in this free report is vital if you want to avoid years of pain, suffering, and misery. So slowly read this report from beginning to end!

Let’s get started…

Every day, thousands of Americans are involved in auto accidents and they aren't lucky enough to have this information in front of them. As a result, they either receive inappropriate care for their injuries or never get their injury diagnosed properly, and often settle their case too soon.

Don't Talk Or Speak To ANYONE About Your Case Until

You Finish Reading This FREE REPORT!

Most insurance adjusters know all about the kind of injuries people like you and me can experience in an accident. They know sometimes you don’t feel injured right away and that’s why they try to settle as quickly as possible while your medical bills are low or non-existent. They’d rather see you in pain after you settle with you picking up the tab for your own treatment.

This Can Happen Even If It’s Your Own
Insurance Company You're Dealing With!

Make no mistake, insurance is a business like any other, and the less they spend on appropriate care, the more money they make their shareholders.

Even if you were involved in a minor fender bender, studies have proven you could suffer from a severe injury that isn't easily noticeable.

You can be severely injured and only feel a little or no pain at all after the accident. Your doctor can easily miss this and mistake your pain for something completely different. This is when insurance companies try to settle with you. Don't make this mistake! Until a recognized and reputable doctor who has experience with low impact, soft tissue injuries says you are 100% okay, don't make the decision to settle too soon!

What MOST Doctors Don't Know About
Hidden Injuries CAN Financially And Physically Hurt You!

See, after any accident, it’s advisable to visit the emergency room to make sure you don’t suffer from any life-threatening injuries like broken bones, a punctured lung, or internal bleeding. This is what emergency room doctors specialize in.

But the problem is that as long as there’s no immediate threat to your life, the emergency room physician is likely to send you along on your way with pain medication to mask the pain.

And here’s the problem with only taking pain medication after your accident…

Soft tissues like muscles, ligaments, discs, nerves and blood vessels need oxygen. They also need to function and move properly.

When you only take pain relief and/or anti-inflammatory medication, scar tissue and adhesions can form limiting the proper motion needed for healthy nerve and blood flow.

Scar tissue is also a substandard tissue that can turn into its own source of pain - causing a number of chronic pains, symptoms and syndromes!

The Problem Is That Soft Tissue Injuries
Are NOT Always Visible On X-Rays

That’s why most doctors don’t have the training to detect soft tissue injuries…they over-rely on vital signs, x-rays, and the pain described by the patient!

Since many doctors can't detect your injury, they make the wrong diagnosis about what's wrong with you. So any treatments you get based on this diagnosis will do practically nothing for you!

The treatment of choice for medical doctors, like your family doctor, is to use drugs to cover up your symptoms (in your case, the biggest symptom is pain) so you don't feel injured anymore. This form of treatment only gives you the illusion that you're okay, when really you can be seriously injured and not know it.

So, If You Are Experiencing Any Of These Symptoms,
You May Be Suffering From A Hidden Or
Soft Tissue Injury…

• Muscle Stiffness
• Spasms
• Neck Pain
• Headaches
• Numbness And Tingling
• Mid-Back Pain
• Low Back Pain
• Difficulty Sleeping
• Irritability
• Memory Loss
• Fatigue
• Difficulty Concentrating

Or worse yet, you may be feeling none of these right now because your injury hasn’t started producing these symptoms yet.

The Shocking Truth About Using Pain Relievers,
Physical Therapy, And Surgery To Get Rid Of YOUR Pain!

Let’s assume you are experiencing some neck pain. How will your doctor attempt to treat you? Well, rather than go after the cause of the problem he or she can’t find (your doctor will never admit they

don't know what they're doing), he or she’s going to attempt to cover up your pain with over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and other, more powerful pain relievers.

These drugs only work by sabotaging your body’s ability to register pain. They do absolutely nothing to fix the problem causing the pain. So, while these drugs are sweeping the dirt under the rug, you’re giving the illusion you’re actually okay. This is dangerous.


1. Accident victims on pain medication are more likely to settle their case. The insurance companies use this to their advantage so don’t make hasty decisions while on pain relief medication. It may come back to haunt you later.

2. Usually under pain relief medication, you are more likely to worsen your injury! Your body’s way of telling you that you are making things worse is pain and, if you do not feel the pain, you may be aggravating your injury and not even know it! Ever have a sprained ankle? What happens if you keep walking on it rather than sit it out for a few days? It hurts more and more. And why? Because you’re making it worse!

The same is true for these hidden injuries in your neck and back. Yes, you read that correctly! Your doctor who means well and wants you pain-free, may be hurting you by giving you seemingly harmless drugs!

That's not to mention the side effects of using these drugs. You see, the bodily functions these drugs are blocking to hide your pain also have other functions in the body. Depending on the drug, you may run into serious kidney, stomach, or liver problems as a result of popping these drugs just to get through a day of work.

The next step doctors will rely on once their initial treatments fail is to refer you to a physical therapist.

The only problem here is the physical therapist is told what to do by your doctor. This means whatever therapy you undergo is designed to treat the problem your doctor thinks you have, when really it may be something totally different.

So, after this charade, it’s no coincidence most people with ‘hidden’ injuries are still in pain and may even feel worse!

At this point, you are either sent back to therapy to try another treatment that odds are won’t work because the person directing the

treatment, your doctor, never diagnosed your problem correctly. Or, he may recommend you see a surgeon about your problem.

Now, it’s true that surgery is an extremely drastic treatment for these sorts of injuries, but if a surgeon doesn’t know what to go after, you’re probably not going to come out of the operating room fixed.

Oftentimes surgeries, especially in the neck and back, will only result in a short period of pain relief, at best. More than half of all back surgeries will never get you out of complete pain.

Plus, there’s the added risk of infection and anesthesia problems, not to mention other side effects that aren’t too uncommon when it comes to cutting a body open…like missed time off work and reduced living for weeks or months at a time. Do you really think surgery is even an option you should consider especially since your doctor may not have the whole picture?

Discover RIGHT NOW If You Suffer From
A Hidden Injury!

Hidden injuries are extremely serious problems. Unfortunately, medical science is under-trained and unequipped to diagnose and treat them with any measure of success. This is a giant health care problem in this country, considering 20 million people have suffered from a hidden injury.

The sooner you find out you have a hidden injury, the sooner you can start a treatment plan to get rid of it and get you out of pain as soon as possible. Wouldn't it be nice to finally be pain-free and living your life the same way you did before the accident ever happened?

Well, if you do find out that you do suffer from a hidden injury, then this can be your reality. Imagine being pain-free without pills, or painful and repetitive physical therapy, or even the thought of surgery.

Isn't that nice? Wouldn't you rather be healthy and alive once again, rather than living life only one pill away from endless pain, misery, and frustration? Aren't you tired of going to your doctor again and again, and never getting better?

You see, your doctor may know there are better treatments out there available to you, but they also know if they tell you that, you may never come back to see them!

I Have Over 255 Post-Graduate Hours Getting Auto Accident Victims
Out Of Pain Safely And Effectively Without Drugs Or Surgery!

My name is Dr. J. Douglas Busch, Clinic Director of Club Manor Accident & Injury Centers here in Pueblo, CO.

I've spent years fighting for the rights of auto accident victims just like you. In fact, that's why I wrote this FREE report. I'm sick and tired of car accident victims going through years of pain and misery all because no one ever bothered to tell them their rights and the truth about their injuries.

I've used my drug and surgery-free method to help auto accident victims just like you out of pain as quickly and easily as possible. I've been able to help almost everyone who I've diagnosed with a hidden injury.

In fact, I’ve been so successful and happy with helping people just like you get out of pain, I’ve focused a majority of my practice and skills at getting auto accident victims out of pain and keeping them that way! There’s nothing that pleases me more than helping car accident victims just like you.

That’s why I mailed you this FREE report. I want you to know the truth about car accidents almost everyone out there doesn’t seem to want you to know. I know I can help you.

What Is A Screening Test? Why Is This
One Of The Best Ways To Detect Hidden Injuries?

If you respond by the date stamped in red on the pink form that came with this report, then you are eligible for an accident injury evaluation to see if you suffer from a hidden injury.

The equipment I’ll be using to help me with the test is called a Neurocolometer Unit (NCM). What it does is measure neuro-muscular activity in your back to determine if you have a structural injury in your back and/or neck that’s causing your muscles to not work properly.

The test itself is quick, easy, and painless. (It takes about three minutes and doesn't require you to get undressed or anything.) In fact, the only reason I have it in my practice is because it’s so perfect for doing this one job. When the test is done, I’ll give you a report of exactly where I think your problem(s) are.

You can take your report home with you and I’ll even keep it on file in my office for seven years in case you need a copy.)

What’s important is that you document your injuries now! Because not doing so may make any injuries you have get worse and they will become more difficult to treat down the road (meaning keeping you in pain longer), and it may also hurt your personal injury case if you decide to pursue legal counsel.

If you’d like, after the test, we can schedule a time convenient for you to come in for a more thorough evaluation to pinpoint exactly where your injury is. Then, I will prepare a Recommended Action Plan for getting you out of pain as quickly and easily as possible, without using drugs and surgery that doesn’t work.

Even if you feel okay right now, if you were in an accident, you still run a high risk of suffering from a hidden injury. It’s best to play it safe now and get checked out to make sure you really are okay.

The slightest injury, even one that you don’t feel right now, may lead to a terrible condition down the road called ‘osteoarthritis.’ While it is possible to treat it, it takes a long time, and sometimes is impossible to cure 100%. Worse yet, you may have to foot the bill! And all because someone hit you 20 years before!

Call By The Date Stamped In RED To
Schedule Your FREE Screening Test!

While this is still fresh in your mind, call my office at
719-544-7744 and pick a time convenient for you to come in for your accident injury evaluation. If you’re calling after the office closes for the day, leave a message and a number we can reach you at tomorrow, and one of my assistants will call you then.

Your accident’s been a big enough hassle already, from getting your car fixed, to dealing with your insurance adjuster. That’s why we’re dedicated to working around your schedule so you can go about living your life on your terms.

If your test turns up positive, and you are suffering from a hidden injury, then we recommend you consider getting a lawyer to represent your case. Choosing a good, qualified lawyer is extremely difficult and, if you’d like, we’ll even give you a list of attorneys to choose from.

Whatever you decide to do, remember, you need to document your injuries as soon as possible in order to get the care you may need and the settlement you may deserve, and to do that, you need to be checked out by a doctor with the training and experience to diagnose and treat the hidden injuries we've talked about in this report.

If you weren't alone in the vehicle, the other passengers in the car also have the option to come in for a FREE Screening Test. Just give the office a call. We will be happy to schedule a FREE evaluation for them as well just to make sure everyone is really okay.

If children were in your car, it’s vital they are evaluated to ensure their bodies are in good working order and are not subjected to unnecessary pain, suffering, or physical problems later in life. Don’t worry, if we do detect an injury, our care is both safe and effective for children of all ages.

I hope you’ve benefited from discovering the truth about Hidden Car Accident Injuries - the same truth many people out there don’t want you to know. Remember, you have until the date stamped in red to respond to my offer and, if you’re planning on seeking legal representation, the sooner you document your injuries, the better your case will turn out.


Dr. J. Douglas Busch

P.S. – Don’t forget, many doctors are not trained to diagnose and treat hidden car accident injuries. So, if you DO suffer from a hidden injury, almost any treatment your doctor is giving you may be ineffective and may even be harmful to you!

P.P.S. – You need to document your injuries as quickly as possible for two reasons: (1) It will help your legal case if you choose to go that route, and (2) The quicker an injury is diagnosed, the less severe it will be, and the easier it will be to treat. That means you’ll be out of pain faster and back to living your life the way it was before the accident.

Weight Loss, Health Gain Revolution...

What is the most made and most often broken resolution every year? That’s right weight loss. When I first started teaching at CSU-Pueblo many years ago, the state of Colorado had lost the “Healthiest State of the Union” title and it was mostly for one county. That’s right Pueblo County and it was for the Obesity and Diabetes out of control. We regained the title, but I think it’s mostly because the rest of the country got even worse. We are going to start a revolution to take back the negative reputation of this great place we live. We get the butt-end of most jokes and I need you to help this come to a close. Starting January 11th on Tuesday nights at 6 pm, we are starting a weight loss & health gain revolution. This is NOT one of this give up the one thing you love for short-term gains, this is using proven techniques and guidelines that even the most unfocused person can see great changes in their health. This is a free seminar that will happen monthly with smaller groups meeting more frequently for encouragement so we can take control of the one thing that eludes us, seeing that 6-pack in our mid-section. You can reserve your seat by calling the clinic’s main #544-7744 or e-mail frontdesk@cmclinic.net. It is worth it to you and your loved ones for you and friend to be there!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Heathcare Costs & Offense!

You have heard for months about the rising cost of health care, well it should be clarified and given to us in realistic terms. My daughter had an ER visit that I was sent a $7500 bill and my wife had a 24 hour hospital stay and the tests she was put in to have done was canceled at the last minute and sent home told to take a medication which had nothing to do with her condition, so I know I won't get a refund on the day wasted and the most expensive hotel on the planet. Let me give you some real looks at where costs for us all can be saved.

In 2009, Russo, Weir, and Elixhauser in their peer reviewed article stated that people 55-64 years of age, 3.9 hospitalizations of every 1000 people was for lower back pain. It was actually ranked as #8 as the reason for hospital admissions for this age range. Number 2 is osteoarthritis which is treatable and preventable with the use of Chiropractic care and is only covered up with the use of medications.

In a similar study by Leoretta in 2004 compared 1.7 million insured patients looking for treatment for lower back pain. In the outcome it was revealed that when chiropractic care was pursued the treatment cost was reduced by 28%, hospitalizations were reduced 41%, back surgery reduced 32%, and diagnostic imaging such as MRI, CT scans, etc. were reduced by 37%. So how did it help? Well 95% of these people said they were satisfied with their treatment. When was the last time an MD or a hospital had that kind of success record? Putting this together in real money, if people would use chiropractic as their first option for back pain, it would save the US health care system $28 BILLION EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

So why isn't this the case? It is similar to the search for the cure for cancer, there isn't one, there is a search for more profitable and effective treatments for cancer, not a cure. When you look at insurance companies hiring more risk managers are working full-time to deny or limit care in Chiropractic, but spending Billions on care which is often unnecessary and more often ineffective.

As we look to improve our health in 2011, remember the definition of Insanity, doing the same thing you have always done and expect different results. We keep going to the drug & surgery pushing Medical and Osteopathic Doctors who's best treatment is only 38-45% effective, where Chiropractic has been documented to be over 70% effective and more commonly 86%. If a patient comes to our clinic and thousands like it across the country, they are evaluated to see if they are a Chiropractic case that if accepted can be helped. We also get lots of cases that I know soon into the consultation that this is a condition that medicine would be more effective, they are promptly referred to a competent MD for evaluation. This unfortunately is not the case in most medical clinics, they think they have a treatment for everything. So according to the a study by the Dean of Pharmacology at the University of Arizona concluded that 40-60% of all prescriptions are written off-label. This means that we have already tried Bottle "A, B, & C" with no results so lets try Bottle "D" which may not have even been tested for efficacy to the condition you have, but you demand a treatment even if it is the wrong one or the one that will kill you. This is since over 110,000 people die every year for taking the right drug for the right problem, these are all "on-label" prescriptions. A couple years ago it was reported that we spent $74 Billion dollars on primary use medication. We spent an additional $76 Billion dollars to treat the side-effects of the drugs used in the first $74 Billion. This is just another definition of insanity and it is disguised as normal in the world...

...Look to chiropractic care first, for nearly every problem you have, what you will find, that if the cause of the problem can be identified and removed the problem is gone. Opposed to the patients that tell me they don't have stomach problems anymore because they take the "purple pill." I say, well if it's cured, then stop taking it and see how your stomach problem comes back. We are just covering up the problems and not working to correct the cause and thus we are ranked dead last among the 37 industrialized nations. Let's be smart with our money, restore sanity to health care and schedule your evaluation today, waiting is just covering up the oil light on the dashboard of the car "hoping it will go away."

Until next time...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Patient Appreciation Days - Nov 2nd & 4th

This is probably some of my favorite times of the year. With the exception of the shorter days and lack of adequate sunshine for a boy who grew-up in Phoenix, the expression of charity and gratitude is unlike any other time of the year. On November 2nd, we have a special day set aside for our existing patient base, where for this one day they can come in for a completely no-charge treatment, just for our way of saying Thank you entrusting us with health of your family. We will be collecting things that will be beneficial to all the men and women in our military who are deployed with some comforts of home.

Here is just a small list of the the encouraged donation of $5-10 worth of the following:

Individual Powdered Drink Mixes
Chewing Gum Soap
DVD’s Movies Shampoo
Hand-held games For Females:
Clean-n-go Wipes Body Sprays
Shaving cream Hygiene wipes
Shaving Razors Long-distance Calling Cards
Deodorant Beef Jerky
Toothpaste Little Debbie snacks
Noxzema Wipes Cash Donations will be used for gift card & shipping
Air Fresheners *Please nothing that crumbles, or melts as it will be a mess by
the time it gets half-way around the world.

This is also a great opportunity for those who have never experienced the health giving effects for Brain-based therapy for chronic pain and/or chiropractic care from babies to seniors. For the same donation for our troops, we will provide at no charge a thorough consultation, a complete examination, x-rays if indicated and a report of findings. And they will always have our pledge we have given for 14+ years, "If we can help them we will tell them; if we can't we will tell them that too & let them know who can!"

If you have someone you know and care for who is serving overseas, please join us as we improve the health of our community and the morale of our fighting men and women. You can't ask for a better win/win situation

Monday, August 30, 2010

The bigger picture...

Have you ever went to a museum that has amazing large paintings or gone to where a large mural is painted? When things are over-sized it is amazing how we can see the details even clearer. Have you ever had a time where you felt you were in a fog and even the thoughts inside your own head weren't clear? Well that is what we tend to call brain fog, and is a neurological condition that we treat every day with amazing results, but that's not the point. (I imagine you love reading the blog of a hyperactive ADD doctor:-) Back to the point: When you look at a over-sized painting you can go up close and even the minute details are not lost in lack of vision, but are clear and concise to see even with the naked eye.

Now picture that this large image is a digital image and that you are but a pixel in the large picture. Many times we may feel small and insignificant, but if you take that beautiful picture and you have a few dozen of the pixels decide that they want to do their own thing and not participate and turn off the picture is obviously not complete. So how do we decide to do our own thing? Is that so bad, yes it can be! In fact when we decide that fulfilling our purpose is not as important as making me feel good right here right now, we sacrifice what great things we can have for the okay things we may be able to experience right now.

So lets put some skin on this, many of want to be a part of something bigger, higher or more noble than the daily grind. So we see ourselves as achieving something of great notoriety and think that this daily task is beneath us or not pursuing our higher calling. Well let's just keep things in perspective and steal a quote from a friend as we were discussing this in an e-mail: "Not everyone was meant to achieve greatness, but enduring difficulty and struggles, and still praising and giving God the glory is what matters most. If you can do that, I am certain in the end he will say 'well done my faithful servant!'" -Dr. Berard.

So we want to achieve this great thing, but we keep our eye on the end result, but making sure we are Faithful in this moment! So what does it mean to be faithful in the moment? Do we call a married man faithful because he was faithful on Tuesday? No, we call him faithful because each and every time he had the opportunity to cheat or be unfaithful, he chose to keep his eye on the commitment he made and do the right thing. Why do we call some people focused, because they have some super-human skill the rest of us doesn't? No, just when the distractions come that don't like up with their goals or values, they chose to follow their values and goals than the thrill of the moment. So with all the bombardment of information and distractions that come our way everyday, how can we possibly keep a eye on the big picture and be faithful in the moment? Well here is list of questions to ask yourself to see if you are being faithful in this moment.

1. What is my assignment? When I am with a patient and treating their health conditions, am I focused on them or me. Are we discussing my day or their health? Am I worrying about billing, staff, family, etc. or am I engaged in this brief moment of time I have to instill health, hope and value into this person. When my son asks me a question am I listening to him or is he a distraction from the television? When my spouse is frustrated, do I look at her heart and help her or just react to her words that come out of frustration that may be negatively directed towards me?

2. What are the possible rewards for being faithful in this moment? If I am faithful in this moment, what great things can come out of it? An opportunity to connect with one of my kids? Express value into a patient who will leave super-satisfied? A student who changes her opinion of herself and makes wiser decisions. There are a lot of positive rewards from being faithful in the moment.

3. What are the possible consequences if I am not faithful to this moment? Now we could go to the nth degree real fast, but keeping it simple the person that perceives you are not really listening to them, the frustration of a child not really listening to them, the student that sees her value in what they allow others to do to her than what is in the inside. I often think of all the people who depend on me to be faithful in every moment, family, staff, students, those I've mentored over the years or just those who look up to me, If I'm the next idiot on the news for doing something stupid, what will that do to them?

4. Is my attitude right? It's not just a matter of doing the right thing, but doing it with the right heart attitude. There is sometimes I have to delay or keep quiet as I have to really keep my attitude in check and not react to the what was said or done. If I loose my cool, I loose, no matter how justified I think I may be in my display of lack of control. People who are watching me and you, won't remember all the great things you've shared with them, but that time you put your foot in your mouth or went bizerk.

5. Does this honor God or my purpose? You don't have to be a believer in God or follower of Christ to get this as our purpose is the result of us following our core values. The values that we have defined as what is the guiding principles in our lives. If we are following those in this moment then we are being faithful, but if we are saying one thing is our our core values and living something else even in this fleeting moment, than we are not being faithful in this moment.

6. What would my mentor / leader / hero do in this moment? You could use any of these or all three. Heroes may be few and far between in today's society. When someone starts to make a name for themselves by many times being faithful in the moment, the media or maybe society wants to find the chinks in the armor or find skeletons to tear this person down. This goes back to who we choose to be our heroes, our mentor, the leaders we choose to lead us. I know it sounds like a WWJD moment, and maybe so, but those who we admire, how would they react or handle themselves in a similar situation, that is what we need to ask.

Take these and one by one, start looking at the times through our day and as some or all of these questions and before long it may be you we are admiring for the amazing character you are displaying.

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pain and Purpose...

This has been an emotionally challenging week. I have had some amazing successes in improving lives and giving people back their hope. Have seen a 2 yr old kid with painful bowel movements and urination and ongoing digestive problems, almost with 1-2 treatments give a exacerbated mother back some peace when 2 yrs of repeated drugs, antibiotics, and surgeries and been more frustrating than successful. I've seen a man in his retirement, disillusioned by being in his 'golden' years and his body didn't work enough to hardly get out of a chair and revealed the pain of working so hard for so long and when I have the time and money to enjoy life, he didn't have the health to do anything. Well he showed up today on his new 900 Kawasaki motorcycle with a sparkle in his eye and a spring in his step, thanking us all for giving him back his dream. These are some of the joys that get me out of bed in the morning, then there are the things that make me want to indefinitely hit the snooze bar...

I had the displeasure of seeing my best staff member walk into my consultation room in tears as she had just gotten a call about two of our patients that had terrible chronic pain issues and had been making remarkable strides through good chiropractic care and our brain-based therapy. In this progress, the younger of these two boys who hadn't even turned a legal drinking age yet, had went back to his medical doctor to alter his pain medication as he had been feeling so much better, and so made the change with both to a less powerful drug. This appointment was on a Saturday, Sunday night these two went to bed and one never woke up and the other was in a coma for three days. It angers me and breaks my heart at the same time, to have to hug on a mom at her child's funeral (an event I think no parent should have to experience) and knowing her other child was in a hospital bed. Drugs are not safe, they kill thousands of people when taken for the right dose for the right problem EVERY SINGLE DAY! We have been brain-washed to believe that they are safe and they are the only route to health. If this were true, why would America, which uses more drugs than any other industrialized nation is ranked dead last among 37 industrialized nations?

I would think to apologize and give some disclaimer, but then I get a report from a patient who was told by a Neurologist to not go to a Chiropractor as it causes arthritis. I have to wonder when the last time this doctor actually read a research article or truly helped a patient. The level of ignorance is amazing, even among our most educated. There is no way restoring function can do anything but good for the joint and the nerves around them. Covering up the pain with drugs and so keep stressing the restricted joint, then have to deal with the side effects including death because my mind was so brain-washed or locked up to realize there are more effective and safer treatments than drugs or knifes. The way to health, true health is not through the current medical system as they are looking for symptoms and how to cover-up or reverse them not how to prevent or eliminate them. We must adopt the viewpoint that our health should be using Chiropractic first, Medicine second and surgery as a last resort. We have so many patients that are well into their Medicare years that take no medications and live life to the fullest every single day. It also breaks my heart when I as a new patient what medications they take and they hand me a two page list. In 1990 the average senior citizen took 9 prescription medications over the course of a year and as of a couple of years ago the average has skyrocketed to 38.5 prescription drugs per year. Thank God, most don't take all of these at once, but you'd be shocked to how many they do take at a time. This is not health care it is disease care and if our health care system is broken it is not because of the bureaucrats in Washington, DC, but the lack of people taking responsibility for their own health and well-being and getting healthy from the inside out like the body was designed, not forced alterations from the outside in like done by medications.

I know this is hard to hear, but even harder to see the grim effects of western medicine running havoc on my community, please take responsibility for your own health and use Chiropractic first, Medication second, and Surgery only as a last resort, your legacy will thank you.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What's the jabber with the jaw?

There are thousands of people in our area that suffer from TMJ or Templar Mandibular Joint problems or for the rest of us, Jaw Pain. This is a condition that we see quite frequently in our clinic and it is a condition that if you take the time to find and treat the cause instead of the effects, you can lick this fairly easily.

Taking the medical or dental route is not a cheap way of treating this condition as it either taking endless prescriptions of medication for inflammation, muscle relaxers, then lead to braces on the jaw or the teeth to the point of having teeth shaved or capped to accommodate the dysfunction in the jaw joint. I even had the experience a few years ago, where a person dear to my family had had jaw problems for years and not before I graduated from chiropractic college, had gone and had paid close to four thousand dollars to have the teeth on one side shaved lower. We began to work on correcting the cause of the problem and ran into the obstacle of having one side of the teeth not being at a proper height and it wasn't until after we corrected the TMJ problems that relief was achieved. Of course they went back and paid the same orthodontist a couple thousands to now put caps on the side he had previously shaved and at least the problem was behind us. Thousands of dollars on attempting to treat the effects and the proper care was minimal in comparison to the wasted work done in the dental chair.

There is a meniscus or like a fluid filled sac the jaw joint connects to the skull through and when one side of these attachments starts to act incorrectly the other side is negatively affected as well. Then there are two muscles called the 'Pteragoid muscles' that assist in the opening of the jaw and attach back to the spine. These are all affected by other subluxation complexes including that coming from the upper cervical spine.

Now why is this important? Well situated just under the TMJoint is the trigeminal nerve, which is really a nerve grouping, which supplies sensation and motor function to each side of the face. It is from this wonderful nerve that we get conditions like Bells Palsy (which is half of the face muscle loose strength) and Tic Del la Rue (which is like a stabbing hot poker into the face). So it is crucial that we work to improve the function of the TMJ instead of treating the effects, as we all want to live life to the fullest. Chiropractic treatment is by far the best approach to treating this type of condition. If you have any questions or comments, as always you can post them on this blog or e-mail at drjdbusch@cmclinic.net

Until next time...

Monday, May 17, 2010

What gets you out of bed...

Today is the result of a couple weeks of 'one of those days.' My wife joked recently, 'well if something bad is going to happen, it might as well as happen to us, we can handle it' Well in spite of stuff that we go through on a daily basis, let me share with you something that has happened that will encourage me for time to come:

A young mom was referred into our clinic about three months ago suffering from lower back pain and neck pain. She had her work cut out for her as like so many young mom's these days her husband is deployed overseas so she gets to be mom, dad, maid, etc. etc. etc. You get the picture. Well after she started receiving care, I noticed one of her children had a significant heel lift built into the shoe and when you watched this kid run and play it was clear, the body that was given to work with was not too coordinated and of course siblings can irritate this by pushing the limitation buttons, but kids are kids and this kid didn't have the future that every parent wanted for their child. When she submitted her child for care we took some good x-rays and revealed a Posterior rotated pelvis of 25mm and internally or laterally rotated 20mm with a short leg of 28mm on the right. Well the mom had commented to me that her child no longer wanted to wear the specially made shoes that were quite expensive, and had to console by saying, 'well wouldn't be better if you didn't have to buy those specially 'priced' shoes for the rest of your time as a parent?' It encouraged, but we were all a bit having some nervous anxiety as it was time for Uncle Sam to move them to their next home, so we took the proper follow-up films after just under six weeks of care. Well the change is remarkable, so that is why I am taking the time to share it with all of you, not to brag, but to share with you the power of chiropractic and why it in certain applications can and is the only thing that can save people from a life of less than peak performance.

Enough with the suspense, after military medicine spending thousands of dollars on therapy, MRI's CT scans, etc. 6 weeks of complimentary care has produced a young little one with now only 10mm of posterior rotation, 4mm of lateral rotation and only a 6mm short leg on the right. Now when you realize what this means, those nerves that leave that area control this little one's bowel, bladder, reproductive organs and kidney's and beyond that having to grow being made fun by all the other kids that make fun of the kid that can't walk straight or runs into walls, or having to tilt your head to the side to ask for a date? Was it heroic medicine to swoop in and save the day, which would be there in 20 years with Harrington rods and spinal surgeries, but today we gave hope, we gave health and we gave the future back to a little person who may not appreciate what he was saved from, but we can sit back and watch him shine!

Until next time...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

3:33 a.m.

Sunday May 2nd, 3:33 am

This is the third time I've woke up after having a familiar dream then wake-up roll over and it's 3:33 am. The house is quiet, all are asleep, not a creature was stirring, well except me, Dickens has got nothing on this. I am waking from a dream in which I am having one of my last conversations with my buddy Rob, who died tragically in a car accident about 6 weeks ago. Let me set the scene: He called me up and made plans to get dropped off from his carpool from Alamosa and hang-out with me until I was done at the clinic and then I'd give him a ride to church where he'd meet his family. He sat in the the left chair in the consultation room and I in the chair across the desk and we had just a chat about life, how things were going and we were interrupted a couple times for me to go and treat the last few patients of the day. He would patiently sit and wait for my return, texting someone occasionally until I was done. In my dreams he is sitting back, his bottom lip curled up with his half cocked grin, eye squint, and will say with a bit of a head lift, 'dude, how's life?' I will share the frustrations and joys, successes and pitfalls and each time right before I wake, he'll give me say, 'It's all good man'

Now I can't tell you how much I would like to have that conversation again in real life, but I can't, so I will cherish the ones I have only in my head and heart per se. We often find ourselves being bombarded with negativity and of course this often comes from within as well as from without. I recently had the experience of hugging on one of my girls as she cried in my arms as she felt she wasn't good at anything and at that moment, I try to console her with reason and logic, but to her at that time, emotion was law and reason was out the window. My son, being either the inquisitive or provoker that he can be, asked why is she so sad when she is so talented at so many things. What I told him is that women often thing in emotions, in that it's not the facts that are important, but how she feels about the facts of the situation. So that's why emotion and reason can not occupy the same place at the same time. I learned that from a wise Dr. Owen. So I told him that if he could grasp that it would make his interaction with the other four women in our house better and those he may one day meet and want to have a relationship with, when I said that I lost him, he was too grossed out at that thought to listen to Dad anymore.

I share this because just two days later we had a chance crossing paths with one of my daughter's track coaches and she shared with us that she had gotten a 69 second 400 m time at the last meet. I was so excited and realized and shared with her that if she could run it that fast in 8th grade, just wait until you get your legs and learn how to run. That day logic and hope won out and just because she came in behind someone else each time so far, she had skills that could be developed.

I share that with you as it was laughed about in my dream conversation with Rob. In how I shared my frustrations about life, not having enough to pay for all the basics and all the wants, and had to juggle to keep things in balance at times, and wondering if I was really making an impact for my family as I know I have helped a whole lot of folks over the years, but I am haunted by the few I couldn't. He said these amazing words to me in my dream, 'You made an impact on me' posed almost like a question with the raising of the voice on the 'me.' Then I woke up.

I want you as you read this to glean from my 3:33am moments, to reflect on the those you love and those you interact with on a regular basis on how well am I purposefully putting positive and messages of hope and love into their life. Am I making this relationship a symbiotic or a win-win deal or is there a looser in this deal? Tell people you appreciate them, and be specific with your praise, praise them over things that only you would know about. Pour life into people, instead of sucking the life out of them, and cherish the moments, hold on to them and try not to let them go. Our baby recently likes to to tell us if she is not getting her way, "you're not not being very nice" (of course she used this on me last evening with I wouldn't let her have more candy right before bed)

There is a song out on the radio called 'Blink' and I think it's Brandon Heath who sings it, but not sure, but some of the lyrics are 'It happens in in a blink, it happens in a flash. It happens in the time it takes to look back. I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time. What is it I've done with my life? It happens in a blink' When you look back make more moments that you love to recall instead of those you regret. Love people without reservation or conditions as the Golden rule says, 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.'

Until next time...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Recycling Program

I was recently reading a book named, "The Positive Power of Praising People" by Bob Nelson and it made me stop and realize where the ultimate recycling program needs to take place. It needs to take place in the hearts and minds of those around us. So often we hear people say nice things about others and we just take it in and let it give us the warm and fuzzies or we get jealous that people aren't saying those nice things about us and we try to promote our own list of accomplishments instead of listening then recycling.

I know I hear you, what how does recycling fit, well, let's just say you take that nice compliment you heard about your friend and then tell them what you heard and let it be a double blessing. A blessing to your friend as they can hear from the lips of of one friend the compliments of another and you get the blessing of passing the compliment to a friend that I can imagine who needs to hear some encouragement. Then heaven forbid, you add to the compliment, agree with it and tell them why you agree. A crazy thing just might happen, they may say nice things about you as a result of it. (But don't make that your motivation...read 1st paragraph again)

I have said many times, I don't like watching the news or 'Bad News America' or read the Newspaper. (trust me there are plenty of avenues to get the scoop) The point is they go all over the world and find all the bad news and cram it into the 30 minutes before I fall asleep or the first thing some may read. Resulting, we listen or read it and it's no wonder we have heart problem in this country. It's okay to be informed, but man I don't want to be initiated. If my wife reads this blog, she will give me grief as she loves the news and has a radar to pick-up any utterly depressing or heart-wrenching show on the television, especially if it has to do with children. She has this amazing heart of love and compassion for people and those stories fuel her to give more, they have a different effect on me. They make me angry that someone was so selfish that they imposed their own agenda above the care and compassion of others and it has a tendency to want to make me calloused, but I have a secret weapon. It's called a remote control, I find a discovery, history or just a stupid comedy to make me laugh as laughter is better medicine than getting up in arms against things you can't even have any impact on.

So back to recycling, find something you know good about someone else and tell it to a different person (I DID SAY GOOD THING). I know you were thinking I already do that, but people call it gossip, that not the point. Share the positive things you hear from others and tell them to the person, tell them good encouraging things about others to them, and although it may be hard to do, shut-up about yourself. Let someone else speak well of you and not toot your own horn, I know there are many quotes regarding this, but think of the heart problem in this country. See yourself as a 'heart doctor' and you are going to shower some good healthy stuff on someone else's heart. In turn it will do your heart good as well.

This may not make the world greener, but the Happier and Healthier World thanks you for your efforts, you do make a difference, especially in those you use this recycling program on...

Until next time...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tribute to my hero, Rob

From many requests I am posting what I gave as a tribute to my best friend Rob Orta, who was tragically killed recently and went home to heaven. It was an amazing service and so the days of putting one foot in front of the other begins for us and the Ortas. (names are deleted to protect them as this will be accessible over the internet)

March 22, 2010 - 11:20 am - given by Dr. J. Douglas Busch for MSgt Robert A. Orta:

I went running on Saturday with my dog, when I got home, my son was watching TV and this cartoon was on and said, “I don’t want to live forever if my best friend isn’t going to be there”I don’t like that I get to live out the rest of this life without my buddy Rob, but I wouldn’t trade the past few years with Rob & the Orta family for anything.

This is a day I thought I would never come. I always assumed that Rob would be speaking at my graduation ceremony telling of what a crybaby I am. Rob was one of the strongest men I knew and fulfilling a promise I made to him before he left for Afghanistan on his last tour, I prayed for his safe return every single day. Since he got home, I am guilty of not cherishing every moment we had, but I won’t make that mistake again and I hope you won’t either. I met Rob & He***** on New Years Eve Party at our home, Rob and I knew there was going to be a good friendship, but not the bond that soon came into being. Rob had a tough guy facade, but had a heart of gold and had passion for the things that mattered.

Early in our relationship, Rob and Heather came over before sun-up to watch our kids while we took some relatives from out of town skiing and I went to give him a thank you hug and he said, ‘Dude, you don’t have to hug me.’ I just said, back, ‘Just shut-up and give me hug.’ He gave me his little half smile and said, ‘thanks man.’ We quickly realized we both had a passion for intentionally building a family of leaders. Rob introduced me into the concept of making purposeful events in the lives of our family, especially our kids, so they would have keystones along their rights of passage into manhood and womanhood. We were at almost all of our kids birthdays, I can still remember the day **** was born, Rob smiled as big as I had ever seen it & he shared a birthday with my daughter Maddie and he would always do something to make that day special for the both of them. I recall times with both of our families cramming into a single travel trailer or hikes in the hills with the kids. We read books together like, ‘Raising a Modern Day Knight’ and “Men’s Fraternity studies” and set out on a plan to make events, ceremonies for our kids. I recently re-read what he wrote in a study we had together, “Don’t let your son leave your house with out being intentional in helping him to grow into a Godly adult.”

In trying to make intentional events, I recall how we talked about going up into the mountains and hiding a treasure chest and teaching our kids about navigation and tracking through the forest to find the treasure we had hidden for them. I’ve never met anyone who will over-plan a simple hiking trip down to the place and time we could stop for snacks, after the first outing with the kids, we learned to add in a lot more breaks. We were both laughed so hard, when we realized they had already invented geocaching and there was a website with hundreds of already hidden treasure to find with a gps.

He had a passion for doing the right thing, regardless if it was cool or popular. I have heard from more of his Army buddies that he walked his talk of faith and integrity everywhere he went. He was the same guy at church, playing in a water balloon fight with our families on 4thof July, or defending our freedoms on the battlefield. He understood what it meant to pay the price for what mattered. He paid the price of being a man of integrity, loving his wife and family, even if it lost him popularity, promotion or even relationships. The cost of passing on a legacy of faith was paramount for him and all of you being here is demonstration that pursuit of faith was not in vain. He touched our lives, he made us better and he will not be forgotten.

A compass is a funny thing, for some it is worthless, because they don’t know how to use it. It may be nice to know where North is, but how can this be helpful in the chaos of life? God has given us a compass in His Word, in John 14:6 it says, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except by me.” Rob read and knew how to use that compass and he knew where he was going after this life and paid a high price to point as many of us toward home even in his death. After all the drama of this day fades, there is still going to be four people who desperately need us to not let the memory of this great man fade away. We need to be the shoulder to cry on in 6 months or 6 years , to teach two boys and young girl the lessons needed through love and discipline what it means to keep our hearts pointed toward home, so they will not get lost in this wild jungle of life and they will one day get to see their father again.

For many of you in this room, this is a ‘Good-bye’ time, for others of us, it is simply a celebration of a great life here on earth and a ‘See ya later, brother.’ What separates these two groups is that in my group with me, Rob and others, we have made our election sure and we have chosen Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and we will one day see each other again. Many others in this room, always thinks there would be a day, but not today, Well just like Rob, we won’t get to go skiing with the kids in a few days like we planned, but we will one day be reunited. Some say that the gift of Salvation is free, but I disagree, someone paid a high price so that you would be here today in this moment, you could hear the calling of your heavenly father and give you the opportunity to choose for yourself whom you will serve? Will you continue to go down the path of self-service and pride or will today be the day you choose life and a life that is eternal. Don’t waste this day, this moment, my friend Rob paid a high price, so that you would have this opportunity, to take Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, or a choose to get off the detour you’ve been on, and make your life matter, build a legacy, not just in this life but for the Eternal Kingdom.

When my last breath on earth has come and I stand before my maker, I look forward to being embraced and told, “well done, my good and faithful servant.’ But I can’t wait for what will happen just a few moments later to hear, “Dude, Check it out” and give my friend, brother and hero Rob a hug as he shows me streets of gold and introduce me to the saints that he has gotten to know while we are still here on earth. I want each and every one of us to share in a moment like this, but the choice is yours. Will you choose to follow your own path, or today will you learn from the leadership of our friend Rob and make Jesus the Lord of your Life, today and everyday following. Faith is not believing what God can do, but knowing what will do. Be faithful in this moment and choose wisely!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Science & Real Life

Today for most it is the end of a week, mid-way through the semester, but for me it is a culmination of a lot of hard intense work for the past 8 weeks. I completed my last lecture for an Advanced Accelerated Biology Course I have been teaching for CSU-Pueblo. It is a challenge to take 15 weeks worth of material that in Biology tends to be overwhelming for most, but condense it for these over-achieving Go-getters is not a task to be taken on by the timid. Looking back, this was probably one of the more enjoyable experiences as inspite of the rapid and intense pace, it helped to refine the raw data into a more digestible material and I saw scores rise and have discussions with people who were growing into being colleagues instead of just student skulls full of mush.

In healthcare this is also very common, we will know something for years, we may even repeat it to others, but until we internalize it and digest it, it remains the 'useless trivia of biology.' Case in point, go to any hospital and then look across the street. You will see more scrubs and booties smoking like a freight train. I am confident all of those people being in health care they 'believe' the risks and harmful effects of smoking. Heck, they probably just got done doing a lung transplant, and can't get their booties off in order to get across the street to light up.

The point is that I'm not impressed with what you believe or feel should be true, I want to know what you know, have internalized and live on a daily basis. It comes down to the old story of 'Ham & Eggs' The Chicken is involved, but the Pig is committed. I recently ran across a great video which you can find on Youtube, is '212 one degree...' It shows how going that one step further in dedication is like going from 211 degrees and being water, and going that one degree higher and being steam and how much more powerful

I'd encourage you to take the time to make a list of the core values and lessons that shape and dictate your life. Then ask a couple friends to answer what do they think your core values are, and you may be shocked to see the difference in these two lists. One is what you think, or have some knowledge of and this what you talk about, but what you know and live by you preach by the actions you take. Live your life out loud, by the core values you live by and the person you are striving to be.

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Leadership for today

I wanted to get some feedback from more people and the many people who have given me feedback on past blog posts, I thank you, but ask you to click the button to the right to be a follower of our blog. As I want this to be a place where when you have concerns or looking for logical and practical content to make your life more successful.

One of my many projects in the works is the book that hopefully will be out early next year, but it is so far titled (unless the editors nix it:-) is 'Seven Facets of Essential Leadership' and I want to get you some tastes of what this book will bring to you and hopefully be a resource to you, your family and your colleges.

--from chapter 4 'Emotional wellness'

'We all have emotions, some of us wear them on our sleeve and some of us bury them thinking that the showing of emotions will somehow make us appear weak or vulnerable. Let me just break the ice and say all those emotions flowing from you are a gift, not a curse. They are there to give you a signal to what is happening in the world around you, when you can not consciously grasp what is happening. When you walk into a situation and you feel the hair stand up on the back of your head and your get that eerie feeling like something isn't right and you want to run away, well unless this is your wedding day, and even if it is, that should give you the feedback that something just isn't right. You should act like a soldier, don't stand up to get shot at, back up to some safe place so you can regroup and make a better more logical choice.

There is a physiological response to most situations and will drive our emotions, but they are not fool-proof. We can have inappropriate reactions to a situations. We laugh when someone tells us they are dying of cancer or cry when we are given a compliment. These are from two sources: 1. we have the physiological response, but we interpret it, stifle it and a reaction is a mixed up combination of normal reaction & last minute shooting from the hip and comes out all wrong. 2. We have wrongly learned how this emotion should be expressed. We have all met people who do things that blow us away, in how wrong this reaction may be. This is why we need to have someone help us to expose our blind spots and help us to be self-aware, but also how to learn the most appropriate response.

Let me ask you this question: If you had a blind spot, would you know what is there? Of course you wouldn't, that's why it is a blind spot. Just like running up next to side of the semi-trailer and being shocked when it merges right on top of you. You knew you were there, but the truck driver looked for traffic, but you were in his blind spot, and was totally unaware that you even existed. That is how our life is like, we have blind spots in our life, but we haven't empowered a trusted person to help us see where our blind spots are. One author, Noah St. John calls this person a 'Loving Mirror' they see our faults, help us to identify them, but doesn't love us any less because we have flaws. I have learned a technique, which I used to think that was personality specific, but as I have taught this to others, I have found that it works for almost anybody, but you have to be willing for this to be used back on you, and be willing to change. Let me give you a situation where I recently used this:

I had to go downtown to a government building and as I was getting ready to go in, the lady behind me came in with the largest metal coffee travel mug I've ever seen. The security guy politely told the woman that she wasn't allowed to bring that drink into the building. You would have thought she was told, she was unable to keep her children or her kidneys and just started flipping out on the guy. She was spewing about her rights, her dehydration, her offensiveness to him and the poor job he was doing, just giving the guy an earful of crap. (He did have a gun, and little note to self, don't flip out and insult people who openly carry guns and skilled in how to use them, they may just hit their target, I digress) I stopped and turned around to see the show and kind of moved sort of to the side of the guard just enough to get into this woman's eye line, and posed a question: 'What are doing? What is that, that thing you are doing?(with pointing in kind of odd circles & an inquisitive look in my eye) Does 'that', that thing you are doing does that work? I mean, anytime you do 'that' do you get what you want? (Then we all stood in silence for a second, while she pondered the question.) I don't know about you, but if that drink isn't allowed in here, I'm not sure 'that thing you were doing' is going to get the city to change it's policy, so what if we left it outside, is that so bad?' She looked at me with a moment of intensity, then dropped her gaze then turned around said, thank you then put her massive mug outside the door then came back in and apologized to the man with gun.

She was totally unaware of her surroundings or that what she was doing was so inappropriate for the situation and how foolish she looked. I never have seen this woman again, but hopefully at least once, I had enough compassion for her to expose her folly in a way that was not confrontive or adding fuel to the fire. She probably pondered in her mind how many times have I done this and I was never enlightened to this blind spot in my personality.

PARENT MOMENT: Help, Gracefully to expose your kids to the blind spots in their life. As long as you approach it with love and compassion and not accusations and humiliation, you can help you kids to learn to correct their mis-learning of how to handle their reactions. Teach them to replay a situation and look at all the different possible reactions and help them to find the right one. In doing this you may find blind spots of your own, so be willing to improve as well. It is a strong parent who will admit thier faults to their kids, but even greater is the parent who will be willing to change and let their kids help them too in the process.

I have used this techniques on my own son, who was having a hard time relinquishing the role of 'baby in the family' and felt that if he threw a fit of crying he could still get his way like he did when he was 2. I went through the 'what is 'that' you are doing? I said, 'Anywhere in your life does that work or get you what you want when you do 'that?'' Of course my son has my quick whit and said, when he had to back down, 'It works on mom' We all had a good laugh.

Be willing to help yourself, your co-workers, and especially your family to find the blind spots, and be willing to help each other work out solutions and change. you do have the power to change, sometimes we are too lazy or unwilling to improve. Don't be that person, be the better person you have been called to be, you will reap the benefits!'

I hope you enjoyed this short excerpt and will try to put some more clips on the blog over the next year so you can help yourself and others grow and hopefully 'wet your whistle' for the book's release.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Headaches Part 2


Nerve block injections used to treat cervicogenic headaches can include: injections above the eyebrows to treat that region of the head.
injections into the back of the neck to treat pain going up the back of the head. injections into the side of the neck.

In more serious cases, surgery to treat cervicogenic headaches can include: heat to burn selected nerves of the small joints of the neck which connect each vertebrae burning nerves with heat about the face and neck fusion (removing a disc responsible for sending pain signals)

But Here’s The Good News...

While many patients who are diagnosed with cervicogenic headaches have the traditional symptoms of tension headaches, some of the patients who have the traditional symptoms of migraine (and cluster migraine) headaches also respond to cervicogenic headache diagnosis and treatment.

Now, there are headaches that don’t respond to specific, low force chiropractic care; high blood pressure, low blood sugar, hormonal changes, hangovers, dental problems, etc. These, however, are small in number in comparison with headaches that are caused by tension of the neck and head muscles, and irritation to the nerves. (The cervicogenic headache.)

Most Headache Sufferers, After Learning This Relatively New Information Regarding The Benefit Of Proper Chiropractic Care For Cervicogenic Causes Of Headaches, Wonder…

“How Do I Find A Doctor Trained In Providing This Care?”

So, my best advice is to ask the chiropractic doctor the following questions...

“Do you treat headaches?”
Some Doctors of Chiropractic do not focus on specific conditions. So ask the Chiropractor if he or she treats headaches that may originate from the neck. Some do not.

“Do you take x-rays?”
Call their office and check and see if they either have the facilities in their office to take films, or if they refer it out. Either answer is acceptable. Do not get evaluated by any chiropractor who doesn’t look at neck x-rays before rendering care.

Do you accept payment plans?
Nowadays, patients are either going with the “managed care doctor” and hoping and praying that they’ll get quality care, or paying out-of-pocket for their services. So, in response, there are many caring dentists, medical doctors, chiropractors, podiatrists, and other health care professionals that are giving patients comfortable payment options. Even though chiropractic care is inexpensive compared to most care, ask the office if they’d consider putting you on a payment plan.

If you live in the area, call our office at 719-544-7744 and schedule your free check-up! We DO treat headaches, we DO properly take x-ray pictures of the structures of the neck before care, and we DO have payment plans.

For Your FREE HEADACHE EVALUATION, Call 544-7744 Now And Reserve Your Earliest Appointment. The Longer You Wait To Call Us, The Longer You’ll Have To Wait For An Appointment!

Here’s What Your FREE CHECK-UP Includes…

1. Headache Consultation – I have a list of specific questions that will help discover the cause of your headache. This is also an opportunity for me to have a thorough understanding of your headaches and what you’ve been going through.

2. Examination – Aside from typical exam procedures like blood pressure, cranial nerve testing, reflexes, and vital signs, you will also receive a multi-plane head and neck range of motion study, palpatory examination, and specific orthopedic and neurological tests.

3. Static “EMG” Testing – Our office is one of the few, if not only office, that has this electronic Neurocalometer instrument. This is an important test. This painless procedure determines if there’s abnormal function of the neck nerves that communicate to your head and helps me pinpoint where your problem is.

4. Neck X-Ray – If, after the consultation, examination, and static “NCG”, it is found that x-rays are needed of the bones, discs, and soft tissue of your neck, they will be taken at this visit. In order to get a good view of all the supporting structures, at least two views will be taken; one of the front view and one of the side view.

CALL 544-7744

On behalf of everyone at Pueblo Headache Relief Center, I look forward to meeting you to discover if I can help you! Remember, you haven’t tried everything until you’ve at least had a headache evaluation at my office! And since it’s free and there’s absolutely no obligation, you have nothing to lose! (Except your headaches of course!)


Dr. J. Douglas Busch
Pueblo Headache Relief Center
Div. of CMC, Inc.

P.S. – After I evaluate your headache, I will tell you if I can help you or not. And if so, how long it will take and how much it will cost. Then you can start care, or go home and think about it! We are a busy office and there will be absolutely no pressure to begin care!

P.S.S. - There Is A Waiting List! For the soonest free appointment, it is advised that you schedule your appointment right away.
Pueblo Headache Relief Center 1300 Fortino Blvd., Suite A (Look for the American Flag flying out front) Pueblo, CO 81008 719-544-7744

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chronic Headaches - Hope & Relief

Headaches are NOT normal! They’re a sign that something is wrong.

Your body is designed to be free of pain. Feeling good is the normal state. Feeling throbbing, pounding pain in your skull that doesn't seem to want to go away like a bad house guest is not normal.

Neither is the nauseous feelings that come whenever you go out on a sunny day or see a bright light, laying awake at night praying your headaches will disappear, feeling and looking miserable, irritable, and older than you really are, and the frustration of knowing that your friends and family just don’t understand what you are going through.

And thanks to those clever headache pain relief commercials, medicine cabinets, purses, and glove compartments all over the country that are fully stocked with medication for the “normal” headache.

So, if you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from annoying, pestering, mind-numbing headaches, then please keep reading this report, because as you are about to discover, headaches are not normal.

Hi, I’m Dr. Busch. When I discovered that one in six Americans are chronic headache victims, I nearly fell out of my chair! I couldn't believe that so many Americans suffer day in and day out when they really don’t have to any more...and chances are, neither do you! “That’s why I decided to step forward and write this simple, yet informative report. So please, for your own sake, carefully read every word of this report… It may be the most important message you will ever hear.”

O.K., let’s get started!

If you REALLY want to get rid of your headaches and start living a “normal” life in a short period of time, then you need to first be aware of…

Six Headache Relief Misconceptions:

1. Over-The-Counter Medication Treat The Cause Of Your Headache

It’s almost criminal that drug companies are hiding from you that the headache relieving drugs they advertise don’t actually target the real cause of your headaches.

Here’s the real deal…These pills cover up your headache by simply disabling your brain's ability to feel your headache. That's why your headache comes back when the pills wear off!

If you broke your leg and just took pills so you didn’t have to feel the pain, the pain would come back when the pills wore off.

If these drugs actually treated the real cause of your headaches, then shouldn’t your headaches go away permanently? But they don't.

These pills only sweep your pain under the rug. The REAL cause of your headaches remains untreated and that's why you keep suffering.

2. Headache Medication Can’t Harm You

One thing many headache sufferers don't know about the drugs they take is that these pills are not 100% safe. In fact, a lot of the side effects you may experience are far worse than the headaches you're trying to cover up for a measly four hours of relief.

You see, the way these pills disable your ability to feel headaches is to disable a little hormone in your body that acts like a messenger to your brain. Of course, our bodies, being the highly tuned machines they are, have figured out how to use these hormones for more jobs than one. So if you disable the hormone from doing just one job, it will also not do all the other jobs in your body.

This can lead to all sorts of problems. You can get something as minor as a rash, or you can have sudden liver failure or kidney problems. Even aspirin has been linked to causing unknowing users to suffer from deadly hemoragghic strokes.

It gets worse…you see, the more often you take these medications, the more your risk will skyrocket!

Also, medication seldom increases your body’s ability to respond to stress appropriately, and it usually decreases your body’s natural ability to fight disease!

3. Stress Causes Headaches

Yes, stress is a part of living, but it is not the cause of headaches.

Have you ever heard of that saying, “only the strong survive” or “survival of the fittest”? It’s how your body adapts to stress that determines if “stress” will affect your health or how you feel.So, in a minute, I will explain how you can quickly and easily increase your body’s ability to adapt to stress.

4. Headaches Go Away On Their Own

Tony Robbins has a saying, "The definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results." If you truly want to get rid of your headaches, then you're going to have to try something different; something natural, and hopefully drug free…and equally important, something that is proven to work.

Obviously, you wouldn’t still be reading this report if you weren’t concerned about your headaches. So please, for your sake, don’t drop the ball and not take action; because as you will in a moment discover, you will have a chance to get your headache evaluated, without any cost or obligation.

5. All Doctors Know How To Treat Headaches

There’s a saying that goes something like this…

“If You’re A Hammer, All You See Is Nails”

Hammers hit nails…M.D.’s prescribe medication.

Expecting a different approach from your medical doctor will only lead to disappointment. That’s why I wrote this report - to help headache sufferers like you.

Before we go any further, let me stress to you that there is a place for medication, but more importantly, the cause of the problem must be identified because the wrong diagnosis = wrong care. And, if your doctor's treatment fails, you'll probably get even stronger medications or, in an extreme case, your doctor will recommend surgery. Personally, I think there are times when surgery is the only option, but in terms of headaches, there are natural alternatives that many times, work a lot better without the risks associated with invasive treatments. In fact, if you really want great results without all the risk of drugs, doesn’t it make sense to try a natural solution first?

Your Problem Is Always Where Your Pain Is.

Even though you may be feeling your headaches in your sinuses or on the top of your head, that doesn’t necessarily mean that is where the cause of the problem is located. For instance, oftentimes people with a disc problem in their lower back get pain, numbness, or weakness in their legs, even if there's nothing physically wrong with their legs.

One of the most common causes of headaches that do NOT originate in the head is called a “Cervicogenic” headache. "The Cervicogenic headache is a big word for a headache which has its origin in the area of the neck. The source of pain is found in structures around the neck which have been damaged. These structures can include joints, ligaments, muscles, and cervical discs, all of which have complex nerve endings. When these structures are damaged, the nerve endings send pain signals up the pathway from the upper nerves of the neck to the brain. During this process, they intermingle with the nerve fibers of the trigeminal nerve. Since the trigeminal nerve is responsible for the perception of head pain, the patient therefore experiences the symptoms of a headache."
- Dr. Peter Rothbart, M.D.

You May Have A “Cervicogenic Headache” !

If you answer “Yes” to any of these SIX questions…

“Has your neck ever experienced trauma?”

“Have you ever been in a car accident?”

“Have you ever played football or any other contact

“Have you experienced many ‘minor’ injuries?”

“Is your neck stiff or, at times, difficult to move?”

“As a child, did you experience a fall off the swing,
porch, down stairs, or any other ‘minor’ incident?”

If you answered “YES” to at least ONE of the following questions, your headache may be caused by a hidden problem in your neck but there’s good news.

There is an amazing type of drugless, non-surgical care that may help you. You might be asking yourself what this amazing treatment is.

Well, studies have shown that the safest, most natural neck treatment for most cervicogenic headaches is:

Conservative Chiropractic Care!

That's right! What used to be considered "just a treatment for bad backs" has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of cervicogenic headaches.


It's in your best interest to get your neck evaluated soon, because if you wait too late, your condition may get to a point where you can’t be helped with this type of care and your only option may be…


Nerve block injections used to treat cervicogenic headaches can include: injections above the eyebrows to treat that region of the head.
injections into the back of the neck to treat pain going up the back of the head. injections into the side of the neck.

In more serious cases, surgery to treat cervicogenic headaches can include: heat to burn selected nerves of the small joints of the neck which connect each vertebrae burning nerves with heat about the face and neck fusion (removing a disc responsible for sending pain signals)

But Here’s The Good News...

While many patients who are diagnosed with cervicogenic headaches have the traditional symptoms of tension headaches, some of the patients who have the traditional symptoms of migraine (and cluster migraine) headaches also respond to cervicogenic headache diagnosis and treatment.

Now, there are headaches that don’t respond to specific, low force chiropractic care; high blood pressure, low blood sugar, hormonal changes, hangovers, dental problems, etc. These, however, are small in number in comparison with headaches that are caused by tension of the neck and head muscles, and irritation to the nerves. (The cervicogenic headache.)

Most Headache Sufferers, After Learning This Relatively New Information Regarding The Benefit Of Proper Chiropractic Care For Cervicogenic Causes Of Headaches, Wonder…

Next time we will explore more aspects of the how Brain Based Therapy with Chiropractic care can be the hope prayed for so many fibromyalgia and chronic headache sufferers.

Until next time...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Faithful in this Moment!

Faithful is the kind of word that only comes up when we are at church or when talking about some bozo who wasn't faithful. There are a lot of other terms that could be used, such as Present in the moment, Attentive in the moment, Focused on the moment and they are all true to the similar point, except one. Faithfulness is being true to your core convictions and having you words be in line with those convictions, but faithfulness in the moment something that has hit me square between the eyes recently. Let me paint a picture for you:

My wonderful wife Tabetha was talking to me about this next semester with schedules and where kids are going and how we would juggle the changes and like 'Doug' (the dog from the movie, 'Up') I saw something that was outside and was like the dog saying 'squirel!' and I bolted out the door to see what was going on outside. I came back in not even realizing what I had done, I hurt my wife's heart because I was not faithful to her conversation. I had to appologize and earn back trust that I should have never taken.

What's the point? I heard someone ask 'How do I stay focused with everything going on in my life?' The answer wasn't the typical, 'Just like you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.' I heard wisdom that pierced my heart, 'Be faithful in the moment.' When they world is swirling all around and my son asks, 'Dad, how does this work?' Stop and focus not on everything at once, but be faithful in the moment and answer to the best of my ability. When my wife starts talking to me, ignore the 'squirels' and give her this moment, and giver her everything for this moment. When I walk into a consultation with a patient and I've read the chart, I've seen this so many times before, I slow down and make no assumptions and listen, and the world may crash all around outside, but for those moments, this patient, this condition is all that matters, this life, this mom, dad, sister, brother, for this moment I am faithful to them.

A old friend of mine, since back in the days of college taught me something in his drafty old Victorian home in freezing winter after I just got back from a pre-marital counseling session that I found out I had no mercy whatsoever. I was concerned that how was I going to go into health care and I'm as hard as a rock. My friend, now Dr. Miller said, 'when you walk into that room, just remember that's somebody's mother, that's somebody's father, sister, brother, child.' I've used that often when I have been helping to improve lives for 14 years, when I put my hand on the doorknob, nothing else matters once I turn that knob and walk in.

This is really a matter of focus, what we choose, yes I did say 'choose.' For years I would have tried to argue about right now, but from a hyperactive out of control little boy to being in a big boy's body, it is the choices we make that make us. Yes, somethings get thrown at us beyond our control, but when we pause to react, and choose how to respond, we start to understand focus. When any of you are in the clinic and if you ever think I am not being faithful in the moment, I give you permission to bring it to my attention. I just heard half of you say, wow, you must be looking for criticism, but I bet you may be disappointed.

Focus and being faithful in the moments we are given is like the difference of white light and red lasers. White light contain all the wavelengths that are moving is all kinds of directions, but when the wavelengths are put in parallel with each other & going the same direction they can cut through steel. We want to have a life without the craziness, with health, peace and love. I can't tell you everyday will be a bed of roses, actually I can probably bet more of the opposite, but instead of running from trouble, embrace it and know that each moment you are in this moment and not the ones that haven't gotten here yet and not the ones that are in the past.

Each moment you have to be faithful to the people in front of you, Pour your heart into them, don't suck the life out of them. Be in the moment and be faithful to who you choose to be in advance!

Until next time...